Thursday, 26 April 2012

Moving inside: Streetart for sale!

          I was happy when I got to know about StreetSmart, and exhibition event with local and international Street Art artists here in Bergen. "Bergen Kjøtt" in Sandviken was a perfect venue. 11 artists with 40 works all together. Prizes in the range of about 110 pounds to 9000 pounds.  As a fan of of outdoor street art. I have mixed feelings about moving this kind of works inside, into the galleries and into a commercial setting. As a traveller, and a frequent visitor of galleries, I love art both inside and outside. When I left the Street Smart exihibition yesterday, I still had mixed feelings. Some works did work, and some did not. The highlights for me at this exhibition was the works by L.E.T.  As far as I know, L.E.T. is a franco/german street art artist based in Düsseldorf. I´ve never seen his work outside.

Works by L.E.T.: I´m so angry I made a sign!
 Martin Whatson and DotDotDot is two norwegian artists that was well represented at the exhibition. I love both artists outside works, but inside? Actually not. I just dont think its good enough and/or original enough. Both artists uses a lot of references to art (popart and street art) in their works which makes them recognisable, but these references is used so frequently that it becomes boring. 
Their more famous brothers Banksy and Dolk do the same references with succes, but in a very unique way. 

In the middle: Match This by DotDotDot
Both artists had similar stencils in different sizes, but why is it so that a big piece is so much more expensive? Repetition is a part of the Street Artist´s "weapon and teqnique" and is best in the streets (outside) because the environment makes all the difference. At this exhibition it looked more like a commercial need. And artists have to survive too :-), I guess and use their momentum (with reference to mr. brainwash).
Two of the biggest works: Martin Whatson to the left and DotDotDot to the right
The venue "Bergen Kjøtt" was great and the works nicely placed and very well organized. I missed a folder or an info paper with small presentations of the artists. it´s a great initiativ from Goblin.mag and I hope they will do this more and better. My wish would be less focus on sale and more focus on presenting street art with more long term exihibitions. This exhibition lasted only two days. 

 The exhibition also worked as a sosial gathering and a meeting place! It was nice to spend some hours there!

One of the most interesting works (from a local point of view) was the piece made by Argus outside on the wall. A comment to the exhibition? I wonder when we finally will see Argus inside....


  1. Hei Ole M. Fin blogg du har. Liker din ærlige tilnærming til gatekunst som salgsobjekter innendørs. Har samme oppfatning, og selger derfor konsekvent ingenting. Gir bort noen canvas under spes. forhold, men thats it. Gatekunst e`for gaten!
    Tusen takk for fin presentasjon av noen av stencilene mine. Joy. ( )
    Fin kveld videre ; )

    1. Takk for tilbakemelding! La akkurat ut et nytt bilde som jeg hadde glemt. Det er nok tatt litt sent på på våren fordi påskeliljene er borte :-)
