Tuesday 1 April 2014

urbex: The MUNCK building

It's a facinating building and part of industrial history here in Bergen. The building was was abandoned in 2005. The owners moved into more modern and efficient premises. The Bergen Art Academy was supposed to take over the building with 7000 square meeters for the students and their work. But the security of the building was assessed  to be bad, and the costs to secure it was to high. It was left to decay.

 The building is quite functionalistic, but the window works is quite unique and gives the building a touch of Art Deco. The huge windows probably was made to give the workers as much day light as possible.

Sverre Munck started his business in 1924, trading with electrical equipment. In 1949 Munck enteprises buildt their own factory right outside Bergen and became Munck Cranes. The idea was to make electric trolley buses, escalators and cranes.


When Munck Cranes moved out in 2005, the state bought the property. The plan was to demolish the building in 2007 and build a new Art Academy on the property. For some reasons the plans have been stalled and the building is still standing.

The building was designed by the architect Per Grieg (1897 - 1962). Per Grieg was educated an architect in Trondheim in 1922 and set up his own private practice in Bergen in 1923. Per Grieg have drawn and designed numerous monumental buildings and houses in Bergen and the Munk Building is part of his legacy. 

When 'masters' of fine art couldn't work there for security reasons, the graffiti artists didn't care so much about that. This was a perfect space for aerosol masters. The huge space and blank walls are perfect for graffiti.

Homeless people also appreciate a roof over their head.

Rumors tells that now is the time to demolish the building and give space for a totally new building for the Art Academy. Industrial history will vanish, the homeless and the graffiti painters have to find new places to be.

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